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ElectroDynamic Systems Software ScientificTM
Radiolocation Systems ResearchTM

Antenna Array

Antenna array

Complex directional antenna consists of separate near-omnidirectional antennas (radiating elements) positioned in the space and driven by high-frequency …

(from 'Glossary' of our web–site)


We distribute software on a "try before you buy" basis. You can download and evaluate our programs absolutely free:
GuidesArray Rectangular™ allows to execute quick engineering calculations of two-dimensional phased antenna arrays for rectangular waveguides on an electrodynamic level.
GuidesArray Circular™ allows to execute electrodynamic modeling of two-dimensional phased antenna arrays for circular waveguides, using the method of moments.
GuidesArray Coaxial™ is used by engineers for projecting and exploring the characteristics of two-dimensional periodic phased antenna arrays for coaxial waveguides.
RefereesHelp Race™ is a professional solution for keeping record at running, swimming and skiing competitions.
The evaluation versions will only work for a trial period (30 days).

If the program meets all your requirement and you decide to keep it after the trial period, you will need to purchase a registration key. The trial version becomes registered when you enter a registration key, so you have no need to download program files twice.

You can download the installation packages in an executable EXE (a security warning may appear), in the ZIP or RAR archive format.

GuidesArray Coaxial 0.1.2

GuidesArray Coaxial™ is used by engineers for projecting and exploring the characteristics of two-dimensional periodic phased antenna arrays for coaxial waveguides.


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