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Antenna Array

Antenna array

Complex directional antenna consists of separate near-omnidirectional antennas (radiating elements) positioned in the space and driven by high-frequency …

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scanning [x] ribbon [x] AA [x]

... between the maximum and minimum operating frequency (coeffi-cient of bandness) for the level of -20 dB of a multilayer ribbon AA, and the number of layers for various laws of changing the lumped resistances of ribbons from layer to layer. As the charts show, the increase in the number of layers from 5 to 10 does not affect the characteristics of the structure very much and 4…5 layers are enough to provide near-optimum properties. Thus, multilayer scanning receiving antenna arrays provide high values for the bandness coefficient in wide sector of angles. Filippov V.S. In: ...
Modified: 11/17/2007
Tags: wideband , ribbon , antenna array , scanning , AA
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GuidesArray Circular 0.1.4

GuidesArray Circular™ allows to execute electrodynamic modeling of two-dimensional phased antenna arrays for circular waveguides, using the method of moments.


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