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Antenna Array

Antenna array

Complex directional antenna consists of separate near-omnidirectional antennas (radiating elements) positioned in the space and driven by high-frequency …

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PAA [x]

Powerful program, GuidesArray Rectangular™ is created to facilitate managing directional diagram, increasing output, enhancing interference protection, and maximizing information extraction. It is known that thanks to the high transmission capacity and low–loss waveguide transmission line, phased array antennas provide excellent characteristics for centimeter wave band. To achieve maximum efficiency while using phased array antennas, a reliable computer–aided engineering system is required...
Modified: 10/29/2010
Tags: waveguide , antennas array , PAA , GuidesArray Rectangular
Path: Home / Publications / Articles

It is presented the electrodynamics analysis of complex cross-section waveguide phased-array antennas with dual polarization. Energetic, polarization and frequency characteristics of cross-ridged circular and square waveguides as elements in phased-array antennas with dielectric covers and supports are studied. An analysis chart is introduced to aid the computation of their mode of operation with sector scanning and frequency band. Antennas
Modified: 04/05/2008
Tags: broadband , waveguide , radiator , antenna array , PAA , polarization
Path: Home / Publications / Archives

Phased antenna arrays (PAA) of waveguides with complex cross sections are analyzed in this work. Particularly, the analysis focuses on linearly polarized waveguides with dielectric matching units (inserts, covers and waveguide transformers). The study of power and frequency ...
Modified: 04/04/2008
Tags: broadband , waveguide , radiator , antenna array , PAA , polarization
Path: Home / Publications / Archives

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GuidesArray Rectangular 0.2.14

GuidesArray Rectangular™ allows to execute quick engineering calculations of two-dimensional phased antenna arrays for rectangular waveguides on an electrodynamic level.


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