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Antenna Array

Antenna array

Complex directional antenna consists of separate near-omnidirectional antennas (radiating elements) positioned in the space and driven by high-frequency …

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Scattering of electromagnetic waves by mirror antennas

Published: 12/22/2005
Language: russian
Original: Radio engineering and electronics (Moscow), 1990, №8, p.p.1596…1603
© Y. N. Feld, 1990. All rights reserved.

Scattering of a plane wave by mirror antennas with vibrating radiators is considered. The Fourier coefficients of the vector function equal to the current density on the mirror metal and the tangent component of the electrical vector on the geometric surface, complementing the surface of the mirror to close in some complete function system. Using these coefficients, the series for the given vector-function, converging to the L2(S0) surface norm, with each of the terms satisfying to the corresponding Meissner conditions on the boundary of the mirror is built. Using the found current on the mirror and well-known formulas, the dispersed field and differential diameter of dispersion of the mirror antenna are determined.

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