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Antenna Array

Antenna array

Complex directional antenna consists of separate near-omnidirectional antennas (radiating elements) positioned in the space and driven by high-frequency …

(from 'Glossary' of our web–site)

Yury Vladimirovich Yukhanov,
Professor of the Department of Antennas and Radio Transmitters (DART) TRTI (Taganrog, Russia), Doctor of Science in technics.
In 1974 he graduated from Taganrog Radio Engineering Institute on specialty “Radio Engineering”. From 1.09.1974 he held a post of assistant of the Department of Antennas and Radio Transmitters (DART). In 1982 Yukhanov Yuriy V. defended the Ph. D. thesis of candidate of engineering science on the specialty 05.12.07 “Super high frequency devices and antennas”. From 1.09.1983 he held a post of docent of the DART. In 1987 Yukhanov Yuriy V. received academic status of Associate professor. In 19.06.1997 defended the doctoral thesis, in 24.10.1997 he received the academic degree of Doctor of Engineering science on specialty 05.12.21 “Special radio engineering systems, including super high frequency devices and technology of their manufacturing”. In 1.09.1997 he was commissioned to be a Department Chair assistant of the DART. In 26.01.98 has been elected the professor of DART. From 1998 Yukhanov Yuriy V. has been the Department Chair of the DART.
Scientific interests: straight and reversed problems of electrodynamics; synthesis of impedance structures under given characteristics of radiation and scattering; development of undistinguished antennas.
He has more then 90 scientific papers.

GuidesArray Rectangular 0.2.14

GuidesArray Rectangular™ allows to execute quick engineering calculations of two-dimensional phased antenna arrays for rectangular waveguides on an electrodynamic level.


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